NIA — Through Movement We Find Health

You’ve heard us talking about NIA — but if you’ve never attended a NIA class, you’re probably wondering what NIA is…

Are you curiously fascinated about NIA?

NIA incorporates the expressiveness of dance, the power and precision of martial arts and the wisdom of healing arts. NIA is an alternative to aerobic exercise and strength training. This fun movement class can be thought of as fitness meets dance meets yoga meets improv meets martial arts. The goal is safe, no impact, body-mind based movement. NIA empowers you to make your own movement choices by offering a flexible structure you can personally modify to suit your body’s needs.

Schedule Here:

NIA is done barefoot to diverse, upbeat and inspiring music. NIA is a transformational movement practice that teaches you to be more JOYFUL, EXPRESSIVE, and ALIVE in your body, both inside and outside of the studio! NIA is holistic. It engages your body, mind, emotions and spirit. NIA draws from dance arts, martial arts and healing arts to create purposeful movement that will help you grow and learn.

There are endless possibilities of the human body to heal itself through movement. The path to health is endless; all that is required is time, practice, and love. Let’s dance through life with joy and pleasure!”

Who should do NIA?

People of ALL ages and fitness levels are encouraged participate. NIA has even been shown to benefit Parkinson’s Disease!

NIA at Centered in Lexington, KY

Join NIA instructor Shayne Wigglesworth right here at Centered in Central Kentucky to find out more about this transformational fitness practice!

We are proud to offer not one but TWO (2) NIA classes each week in Lexington, Kentucky:

NIA classes at Centered

Every Friday morning at 8:00am
***NEW*** Every Wednesday evening at 6:00pm

About Shayne Wigglesworth

Shayne Wigglesworth is a NIA Brown Belt and 5 Stages teacher. She has been doing NIA since 2007 and has a strong interest in holistic and healing forms of somatic movement. Shayne completed her belt trainings at the NIA international headquarters in Portland, Oregon and completed her 5 Stages training in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has traveled the US taking classes and studying with other NIA Black Belt teachers and has taught at studios in Lexington and Louisville.