Dawn began studying yoga, herbal medicine, and nutrition in 1995.
Since receiving her massage therapy training at Lexington Healing Arts Academy (LHAA) in 2000, Dawn’s interest in folk medicine has led her to study Thai, Mayan and Chinese traditional forms of massage, abdominal massage and Appalachian herbal medicine.
From 2006 through 2008 Dawn served on the faculty at LHAA, teaching Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology. During that time she also provided injury specific and preventative treatments for UK’s athletics department. From 2008 to 2010, Dawn was the Assistant Director for Amanda McMaine’s yoga teacher training program at LHAA.
Dawn has been studying cranial sacral therapy with Steve Schumacher through the Milne Institute since 2008 and began assisting Steve in teaching cranial classes in 2015. While cranial sacral therapy and emotional integration work is Dawn’s passion, she also enjoys offering massage therapy for treatment of pain and postural realignment.
Dawn offers cranial sacral therapy, massage therapy, abdominal massage, and private yoga instruction.
Cranial Sacral Therapy
CST was developed by Dr. William Sutherland in the early 1900’s and has its roots in osteopathic medicine.
The focus of CST is integration of physical, emotional, and spiritual or ancestral trauma.
Integration is a process of unwinding patterns held in the physical and energetic field.
A CST practitioner helps the body unwind these patterns through gentle compression or expansion techniques for the bone and soft tissue, nerves and organs.
Dawn also incorporates concepts from Chinese Medicine, Muscle Energy Technique, and parts therapy to help you connect with deeper levels of healing. As we restore health in areas that once held trauma we may also be able to access ancestral healing connections and reclaim dissociated parts of the self.
As we come into better alignment we move more freely, think more clearly, and can move past limiting belief systems and fears. Our lives open up, our relationships become healthier and we have more energy for living fully!
Massage Therapy
With over 20 years of experience, Dawn’s approach to working with the body allows for positive change to the health and alignment of the body with gentle, targeted work to address postural imbalances and pain patterns. She is happy to discuss the variety of modalities she will choose from as she assesses your body’s needs.
Abdominal Massage
Abdominal massage can be helpful for improving circulation to the abdominal and pelvic organs and relaxing scar tissue from abdominal surgeries. It is also an effective way to balance the placement of the womb, and is helpful with menstrual irregularities and pain.
Private Yoga Instruction
These sessions are designed with each person’s particular needs in mind, to address pain patterns, offer postural re-education and strengthening, improve breathing and emotional regulation, or deepen understanding of specific poses.
Cranial Sacral Therapy
75 min: $120
Massage Therapy & Abdominal Massage
60 min: $100
75 min: $120
90 min: $140
Private Yoga Instruction
60 min: $50
90 min: $75