September Clean Eating Challenge!

There’s all this hullabaloo around the end of December for joining a gym, resetting your eating habits, and in general becoming New-and-Improved-You™ but I’ve never had much luck with that. In the winter I want to sit around in my pjs and eat comfort food with my...

Thoughts from May 24

This morning I went for a walk. I started going for walks first thing each morning about 10 days ago. I go early, as I’ve started rising with the dawn as the seasons have changed. The first day I went because I woke up stressed and anxious, and it wasn’t the first day...

Notes from the Violence Prevention Community Forum on March 14

Peaceful Response: Techniques                                          Have Compassion Be Mindful Violence is not the answer: better communication and coping skills When we are nice to each other = no bullying is happening = no need to defend ourselves using violence...

Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Relief

Mindfulness Meditation has been a part of my daily self care practice since 1995. I found myself immersed in the practice of self introspective meditation while a massage student in Virginia Beach, VA and knew from the first session that meditation was something...