The Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure defines the practice of acupuncture as “the insertion of acupuncture needles, at certain acupuncture points or meridians on the surface of the human body for purposes of changing the flow of energy to the body.”
Centered offers Community Acupuncture every Thursday. You can drop in between 4 and 7pm for treatment, or Tui Na (oriental bodywork). Up to 1 hour cost $40 – sliding scale available.
Our licensed acupuncturist practices traditional medicine in an integrative way, meaning that she utilizes modern biomedicine tools to find root cause, then treat holistically. You can book one on one session on the acupuncturist page.
Doors will be locked except for scheduled classes or one on one therapies.
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We welcome all members of our community at Centered. If finances are a limiting factor for you, please ask about scholarships and sliding scale opportunities, as we are often able to work with clients and students to find a way to make our classes financially accessible. Scholarship spaces are limited; please ask about availability if you are in need.